(Nagano no.37)

Michinoeki Ogawa(おがわ)

Station Name Ogawa(おがわ)
Adress 1502-2 Takafu, Ogawa-mura, Kamiminochi-gun, Nagano
map code 382 404 187*10
Meaning of station Name From a village name around this michinoeki.
Rating ★☆☆
Facilities Souvenir shop, Agricultural crops shop, Restaurant, Soy burger shop, Convenience store
Closures 1/1, every Tuesday(if it coinsidents with a National Holiday, the following day)

-Soy burger shop
every Sunday, Monday and Tuesday

-Convenience store
(no closure days)
Opening Times 9:30-19:30

-Agricultural crops shop


-Soy burger shop
12:00-(sold out)

-Convenience store
24 hours a day
Regional goodies nozawana-chirimen(semi dried turnip greens mustard leaves), mushrooms kamameshi(rice seasoned and cooked with various mushrooms), oyaki(fried round wheat with various fillings), Ogawa soy sauce, wild sesame cookie, apple juice, Ogawa natural water

Michinoeki signborad | Ogawa

Michinoeki signbord

Michinoeki facilities | Ogawa

Michinoeki facilities

Oyaki | Michinoeki Ogawa

Oyaki(fried round wheat with various fillings), it is top-selling product here.

Ogawa Natural Water | Michinoeki Ogawa

Ogawa Natural Water is also well-selling product here.

See larger Map